Sunday, June 28, 2015

My house is a disaster and I might be losing my mind.

I'm having trouble even looking at my living room.  And the table my family used to eat at every night?  It's buried under mail to be sorted and end-of-the-school-year papers that I haven't looked through.  I feel like my children having clean underwear should earn me a gold medal, and I haven't worn any work clothes that need to be ironed in at least a month.  Why?


Juggling work and family has always been a careful balance, as any working parent knows.  During baseball season- when each kid has 3-5 obligations each week, and never in the same place but always at the same time- the balance...doesn't balance.  Aside from my house taking a hit, my desk at work is piled with papers I really need to get to and I seriously need to start planning my next fundraiser, someday.  My Type A work personality has turned in to a Type ADD personality (in related news, I am seriously thinking of asking my doctor if Sky's ADD comes from me).  I'm a mess.

BUT...look at these faces.  Seriously.  Just look at them.

Sky, waiting to take the field.

Alex, moments after earning the coolest hat ever (the hat that comes with being chosen for the All Star team).

Skyler is taking his meds every day without reminders, not arguing about bedtime and- when school was in session- making sure he got his homework done so coach didn't bench him.  His confidence has increased and his work ethic has become admirable.  Alex is literally standing in the middle of the living room right now, working on his swing.  He never stops playing baseball.  The child talks to his coach in his sleep (seriously).

I have read countless articles bemoaning the over scheduling of children these days and the dangers of hyper-competitive sports at a young age.  Those concerns are on my radar, I promise.  But what I am learning is that some kids thrive on this stuff.  While I remember standing on the ball field wishing this game would get over already as a kid, Alex mopes around the house on "rest days" feeling like this is the most boring day ever.  He can relate anything at all to life at the ball park.  The lens he sees the world through is round and has red stitching through it.

And it isn't just about entertainment.  It's about life lessons.  A week ago, Skyler didn't want to go to practice.  He told me he was burnt out and didn't sign up for such a long season or so many practices.  His allergies were bad and he wanted to stay on the couch.  Though I felt bad for him, I told him it wasn't happening.  He made a commitment to his team, and he'd better get in the car because Coach doesn't like when he is late.  Practice is happening, dude.  Two days ago I watched him stop a runner at 3rd base, when another run could very well have meant the game for us.  On the way home, he felt awesome about his contributions against a really tough opponent.  He knew his teammates depended on him and couldn't wait to continue on in the tournament.  You know, with all the ups and downs Sky has gone through in life, I'd argue with anyone at all over the merits of that catch the other day.  It was totally worth the time, the money and the feeling that life is completely overwhelming right now.  

Today we are off to the District Championship game.  Sky's team plays a tough team for the title, and Alex will spend a few hours on the sidelines playing a mock game with all the younger siblings who want to be just like brother.  We will be super hot and tired of driving 3 hours a day for the 3rd day in a row, and we will probably bemoan the awful feeling we get after eating fast food for dinner.  But seriously?  I just wouldn't have it any other way.